An evening walk...

21:08 Edit This 0 Comments »
Feeling refreshed and relaxed after roughly an hour long walk around the neighborhood, here are a few things I've noticed: Wood smoke from backyard firepits co-mingling with conversation; Greening grass pushing up while trees and hedges still doze; People walking past make eye contact and say hello, even though they would never look twice in the supermarket; Prairie crocus lavender against brown grass stalks; Dogs that just want a good scratch behind the ears at odd intervals durring walks; A catipillar making it's way across the bike path; Roasting bar-b-ques on balconies and decks; A big brother playing basketball with his younger siblings; Kids calling out games - "I'm going to come get you"; Houses demolished and big machines tearing out the foundations; White pvc piping advertises who sits on cantaminated land and who doesn't; Frogs and crickets singing along the river while traffic roars by; Quiet satisfaction; Well fertilized lawn on the corner; Cats in windows; Clouds changing colour as the sun recedes and the wind carries a breath of the snow still covering the mountains.

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