Nothing is one sided...

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A more somber post than usual. There have been some events lately that have brought about an odd sense of deja vu for me. You see, in a previous relationship things did not go well, suffice to say we fought like cats and dogs. The actual events surrounding this were very different than the present but there is one thing that lies as a common thread. There was always a sense of being up against the ropes, of being threatened and isolated. There was always a sense of being up against something that was never willing to consider that what I had to say was ever valid or worth consideration. No matter what I did it seemd nothing was ever good enough to satisfy him. In turn he accused me of doing the same to him, and of making him out to be an ass to all of my friends - but that is beside the point.
The point is that despite all the insanity and conflict there is never only one side to any story. No person in a conflict is every truly 100% right and the other 100% wrong. Each person brings their own set of emotions, beliefs and values to the table and there is no one person who can say that what you feel and value is any more or less valid than anyone else. Some days I feel that if you blindly fumble around towards the muddy middle in a conflict you might come closer to the truth than at either extreme. Emotion is very potent we have all said things or done things in the heat of the moment which we later regret. I try to refrain from judging people too quickly because I know full well that I do not have all the information. I can only hope that others are willing to grant me the same courtesy. Some days are easier than others when it comes to this but lets face it, I am still human. We all are.

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