Getting back into the swing of things

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I'm feeling pretty good today. After two weeks of not doing any course work due to illness, Easter and extended B-Day goings on, I spent today going through more lab work again. After the work I completed today I am more or less back on track to finish up mid June as planned.
I have also started working on some ATC's (artist trading cards). They are miniature works of art the size of a baseball card and they are fun ceative outlet that can work well with small chunks of time. Right now I am just playing around with collage elements and having fun with it. It has been a long time since I have done anything like this and even though they are far short of being masterpeices, the point is that I am making SOMETHING. Something is a lot better than nothing, and when there is enough of somethng going on it just keeps getting better. Who knows where this might lead to...
Last night we met up for dinner with a long time friend of mine. It is getting to be a tradition that I usually go for sushi with him and last night was no different. Larry likes sushi only slightly more than cucumbers so this dinner had a lot more tempura and cooked meat dishes than usual. I prefer the subtle flavours of the sashimi in fact in many cases I prefer it to the cooked fish. But while I have been to this resteraunt before and quite enjoyed it, this time things were different. The sushi was being warmed just before serving and I'm not overly excited about it. In fact it was noticably warmer than ambient temperature and to me it interferes with the flavouring of the fish. I have only come across this once before when the staff was running it through a small toaster oven before bringing it to the table. In that case it was warmed way to much - the top of the fish was practically cooked! Needless to say I have never gone back to that place. Sadly I'm not sure if I want to go back to the resteraunt we were in last night either. Ah well. At the very least we had good company and conversation so the evening was still enjoyable.
After dinner we took in 17th ave for some green tea ice cream and late night used bookstores. I always end up spending more than I intend in places like that. But really, how do you resist the pull of a really good book? I found one that I had read years ago (borrowed from the library) and I could never find it anywhere in the stores so I snared it right away. Talk about a feeling of finding lost reasure! I have also been keeping an eye out for cheap stuff that can be pulled apart for my collages, no luck on that but I did find an interesting book on calligraphy. Heaven knows my handwriting is terrible and I have always liked the idea of integrating the written word with my art.
So tonight, more friends will come over for a relaxed night. Two of the people upstairs have birthdays in April so we are having one gathering for everybody. It is not going to be huge or elaborate but I think we'll have a good time anyway. I think I have time to work a couple of cards before people start arriving.

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