
21:53 Edit This 2 Comments »
Last night as I was getting ready for bed my mind was pinwheeling through various subjects and ideas. One subject that has been circulating for a while now has been related to creativity and connectedness. In this fast paced world so much is about rushing from one point to another, get this job done that errand. In trying to keep sane and on some level still have some enjoyment while juggling the demands of the urban jungle, people retreat into their personal music selection on the ipod, retreat into books, magazines or even portable movies. People go on automatic pilot, how often have you walked away from the house only to wonder if you locked the door? We disconnect. I have disconnected.

But art is about connectivity and awareness, so how does creativity thrive when I am disconnected? And how do I reconnect?

So last night I hit upon an idea. In the process of reconnecting with the world around me lets start with the senses. But I have to be aware of what those senses are picking up. So what if I start by really noticing a sense? Not all the input I receive can be observed, there is just too much and frankly I need to keep focus on what I'm doing. So I am going to try and make note of at least one sensory input each day, and I'm going to try and make sure they are all different. This way I put more effort into paying attention, into being alert, and into reconnecting with my environment.

It's worth a try, how can I draw well if I do not look?


Katherine said...

Here's what I found: not all senses are equal. Pick something other than your sight (primary sense for most of us) and see how attuned you are to it. My secondary sense has always been smell - that's why I love cooking because it connects me in ways sight never has. Have fun experimenting, dear!

Susan said...

That is a very good suggestion - I'll try that. :)