Is it time yet?

21:41 Edit This 0 Comments »
I have been doing a lot of stretching today. From the moment the clock radio comes on, to slipping on ice at the train station, to my desk at work to now and everything in between. Allow me to pause for a moment while I roll my shoulders.

Spring is comming. Today I stood outside and just felt like a big sponge soaking up warmth from the sun. I found just the right spot out of the wind and felt another stretch sneaking up on me. It must be contagious, even the salesman was offering to let me take the next customer just so I could soak up more sun.

I am not certain it is quite time to wake up yet. It's like the times you crack open an eyelid to find the alarm will still be quiet for another 20 minutes so you can roll over again. But the muscles are starting to wake up, the body is getting ready for a really good stretch.

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