Everyone is an expert on everything!

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I walked in to the proverbial fur flying right off the bat this morning. My boss had decided to come in early to get some paperwork done, only to spend most of the hour answering the phone. Why he chose to answer the phone before the business is open I'm not certain - but because of his choice he was rather cranky over not getting his work done. The mechanic walks in and right off the bat starts asking me about some new workorders that I really knew nothing about since I never wrote them up yesterday - being busy with other customers. One of the salesmen was there and started in on how we need a more organized system and he will write one up today. Another staff is walking in and trying to find out what his job is for the morning while I'm trying to get my boss to explain to the mechanic the work order he took yesterday. Meanwhile he's declaring that we will be open an hour earlier from now on. All of this at once, everyone figures he's right, everything is wrong/horrably disorganized and he has the answer. That basically sums up the first fifteen minutes of work this morning and pretty much set the tone for the rest of the day.
Deep breaths... and more deep breaths throughout the day as everyone is doing the usual and asking for my help in whatever, regardless of what I am trying to get done. It took me two and a half hours to send a fax due to the constant interuptions. Customers are phoning in with issues that set the boss off on another rant in my general direction. Another customer comes in bouncing off the wall and firing a dozen questions at me without letting me answer one. This order is being changed, that order is being changed and the phones didn't let up for most of the day.

Thank goodness it is the end of the day and Friday! I can see I am going to be spending most of next week going in even earlier than the new start time just so I can have some peace and quiet to get caught up on my work and implement the new changes. Sigh... not much sleep in the near future but oh well.

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