21:46 Edit This 1 Comment »
Actually this is not so much about me as about another guy that really was not paying attention. He was pulling a cargo trailer to move some stuff from a to b, you see lots of them around here. He attempted to go through a pretty decorative archway that marked the entrance/exit of a parking lot.
1. LOOK - perhaps I can forgive a person who may not be used to pulling something large and cumbersom behind them, after all if your chosen vehicle is short enough you are used to just darting through without a second thought. The thing is though, that in this case looking around and having the odd second or third thought is usually a good idea. Hmmm... not sure if that gate is quite high enough...
2.LISTEN - How do you NOT hear the sound of bending and tearing metal?!? Is your stereo really that loud? Or are you that distracted? I just about cried when I rubbed my boyfriend's freshly painted truck against another parked vehicle. I could hear the sound loud and clear and I didn't even dent anything. I really do not understand this.
3.FEEL - Not unlike potholes or rumble strips when something interfears with the smooth motion of a vehicle you CAN feel the vibration! I don't care how much torq or power your truck has, when steel tries to go through steel there is going to be some resistence and that resistence will be felt in the performance of the vehicle but apparantly buddy failed to notice anything.
The end result is that another lady waved and told him he hit the gate, but this was after he had pulled the full length through the gate and ripped apart the roof the entire length of the trailer. Yes the sheet metal used to cover the trailer wasn't very thick but the steel ribs that support it are not exactly thin. I can guess that this is going to cost him a pretty penny to repair.

And while this is relatively off topic, has anyone seen the air feshener commercials with the woman constantly spraying while the kids look on and say "she's doing it again", or with the kids taking forever in the the bathroom just so they can stay longer and smell the air freshener? It may be just me but I find those just a little disturbing. Lets promote addictions to chemical sprays that contain heaven only knows what inside! Smoking is out of fashion so why not? Are you even going to try to explain that compulsively releasing that stuff in the air really is not the sign of a problem? Seriously though, there is so much marketing for stuff like this as if our homes are rotting cesspools of stench without it. I hardly think bombarding your nose (and lungs, and tastebuds) with smelly chemicals mixed a laboratory is good for us in the long run. And adding a couple "token"natural oils to the mix does not aromatherapy make thankyouverymuch. Try vinegar or baking soda to absorb odours, better yet, try cleaning and there really are very few odours to begin with! There is enough crap in our processed foods and environment and I really don't need to injest more of it. :)

1 comment:

Katherine said...

The odors and whatnot I can stand; it's all the preservatives and stuff in the food that's scary. Another reason why I cook whenever I can - at least then I know what my kids are eating.