Home and Garden Madness

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Today I attended the yearly Home and Garden Show. The company I work for had a booth set up so I generally feel obligated to check it out, although in this case I usually enjoy searching the aisles for treasures. :) Aside from floor layout there was not much new to set it off from last year - or the year before. There are only so many hardwood flooring samples, roofing, and granite countertops that one can really look at before it all blurs into sameness - unfortunately I hit that threshold fairly early. My usual favorites were present and normally I would spend more time admiring the wares but the boyfriend was in a slightly sleep deprived huff so I didn't bother. At least he found a few things that might apply well for his work so he didn't feel it was a total waste.

The aisles were packed with dreamers and wishes, but also packed with people who have money to spend. Is any of this expence a real neccesity? Ok, if you are actually building a house or doing major renovations there are a few things that are needed to pull it off. But honestly most of it is simply fashionable fluff. Judging by the amount of fluff purchased and quoted I would say our econmoy is still doing well.

Not that long ago I completed a course in Interior Decorating and I was bored to tears with most of it. I am not a minimalist by any means but the fluffy world of co-ordinating seat covers with drapes seemed such a lifeless waste of time. I found the more practical side of it far more enjoyable - space planning, lighting design and drafting. And yet now I find myself wanting some of said fluff. So is it a nesting urge? Is this a drive to keep up with the Jones? Is it about showing off, just because I can? Or is it about asserting my self in my territory? I'm voting for numbers 1 and 4.

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