A hallmark moment?

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Have you ever stood in the card aisle, trying to pick out just the right card and finding that you really don't fit all the mushy "hallmark moments" and flowery poetry. But then I don't fit much of the humour either. So on one hand it could be that my family is somewhat dysfunctional and out there, and on the other hand it could be that my family really is normal and everyone around us is just pretending.

Maybe people pick out the pretty cards in a hope that what they are and what they share really is like that - pretty. I usually find myself picking a blank or simple card and then picking a few words and phrases from other cards to write in by hand. I mix and match until I find something that actually fits the occasion and the people involved. It takes a fair amount of work and for whatever reason I usually end up doing this at the very last possible minute. Take my parent's anniversary as an example, I was signing the card for my parents in the car while mom is standing beside the car waiting to walk with me into the restaurant.

I can hear my friend laughing even now in my head - "you are such a dork!" On occasion I find a card out of the blue and keep it for the upcomming occasion. On occasion I actually get proactive about stuff as well. But for now I guess I keep my 'odd yet possibly normal' family ammused regardless.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

I prefer a hug than a Hallmark card. Cheaper, better for the environment and worth far more than a piece of stiff paper.