Back in practice

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Yes I am once again enjoying my weekly belly dance class. I have only signed up for one instead of the usual two since I am still unemployed but no matter.

My instructor has changed things up a bit with a different format and she has extended the class from 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours - yay! We are all very happy about these developments since by the time you go through warm up and cool down stretches a fair chunk of time has been lost.

In the meantime, I have taken out a bellydance DVD for some at home practice. The style is tribal fusion so there are a few differences in form from the more classical style we are learning in classs. As long as I keep that in mind and adjust where required I think it will work. In addition this DVD has a nice yoga routine for warm up and cool down. Some days I just do the yoga on it's own for some healthy stretching. I tend to internalize my stress and build tension in my body so regular stretching is an absolute must! (otherwise my knees start getting pulled out of place or so it feels)

I am looking forward to learning a new choreography. But more importantly, I am setting a goal to improve my layering of different moves. Once I successfully build on that then I will feel much better about my dance.

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