Need vs Want

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I think a lot of people are cutting back on their spending with all the uncertainty going around. I know I certainly am. This past summer has seen me doing a little more shopping than usual for things like CD's, make up, fun stuff for costumes and crafts etc. It is so easy to just get used to being able to spend like that all the time, and as time goes on you find yourself wanting to spend more. I am a sucker for beautiful things, for good books and for 'treating myself'. Now I find myself getting a lot more critical of how I budget my money. I find myself wanting some lovely dragons to add to my collection, or a decorated wooden box to drool over. And lets not forget that fabulous skirt I found online! But then I have to stop and ask myself: Do I need this? Where would I put this? Do I honestly have a use for this?

What do I honestly need - and has that need been met? For example, I need my health so the gym membership is justified as long as I keep going regularily. I need to get the suspension checked on my car so that it remains road worthy, but since I do not yet know what that will run me the items I want - the dragons and the box - will have to stay on the store shelf. I have a use for the skirt, heaven knows I do not typically buy a lot in the way of clothing. But I have skirts in the drawer that are rarely worn as it is. For now maybe I should look to get more use out of what I alraedy have.

There is so much that we are told we need everyday, an entire industry is devoted just to getting that message across to us. But do we really need so much..?

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