Playing games

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Tuesday nights are my nights with out with one of my girlfriends. We chose to schedual a regular night every week to get together and hang out because otherwise our crazy lives would have us running off doing other things. Next thing you know, 6 months has passed and we haven't even spoken to each other. We still occasionally arrange something on other days but for the most part, tuesdays have become our 'hang time'.

Yesterday I went to her place, food in hand (because of detox) and discovered her latest addiction - Guitar Hero 3. A friend of hers brought over the playstation and controller so the evening was spent taking turns navigating our little band towards greatness. Actually, they navigated, I occasionally detoured off the map. You can tell they have put in a few hours of practicing! But they cheered me on as I gradually missed fewer notes and managed to complete 3 whole songs (all in 1st level). They tackled the more difficult songs and we all had a laugh at the character options for costumes and guitars. I enjoyed it over all. I don't see myself rushing out to buy a copy, so I guess you could say the addiction hasn't taken hold. But when some other friends come to town (bringing their guitar hero games) I won't say no if they offer a chance to play.

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