Musings on Henna

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There have not been many reactions to my decorated hands in the past week.

One comment at work came from my boss. He asked if these were real tattoos, when I explained what they are he seemed to accept that and nothing more was said. Mind you the guys at work have all accepted that I'm a bit 'weird' so I guess in a way this is just another manifestation of what they already expect.

Another guy asked if I had eaten out at an Indian restaurant, and if there were any meanings to the designs. (we picked the designs because they were pretty, not for any meaning)

One friend has teased me about being a "tattooed freak". I recognize that she is teasing, so it doesn't bother me.

My friend upstairs had to see the designs and complimented me - as well as my other friend who made the design.

In the past I have experienced a variety of reactions ranging from surprise and honest appreciation to outright disdain and negativity. Most people do not say anything at all but it always surprises me when they do. Henna is not traditionally a part of my cultural background so I can accept a certain amount of surprise or hesitancy. For those who question my use of henna in a negative way I have a very simple argument in return.

a) It is an activity that makes us sit down and relax. Think about that for a moment.

b) Henna is temporary, the designs WILL fade away.

c)It is also an activity that is great for spending time with one's girlfriends. We can relax, banter and talk about our lives. In reality it is not that different from getting together and doing each other's nails or hair.
It is about enjoying our friendships.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun and also a way to explore our artistic side! So when are we getting together to do it again? :-) D