Good food & good friends

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Friday night we were packed, ready to leave work and hit the road. Then the heating core on the truck decided to vomit fluids everywhere and so we are without one of the most precious commoditities when driving in January - HEAT! Despite deciding to abort our trip up north, we still had a good weekend overall. We shall just have to wait until Larry's sister comes back to our neck of the woods for a good visit.

Last night saw us enjoying some good company - and myself enjoying some lovely wine - at a friend's housewarming party. It's always nice to get out and meet some new people as well as re-visit some we haven't seen in a long time. Our friends have more or less settled in to their new home and I think they have done a nice job with it.

Meanwhile, the cleaning and re-arranging continues at home. At least I can see my floor now, and the table, and the cat etc. I have discovered that the cat has not learned the concept of "rationing". I left out 3 days worth of food to cover my would be absence for the 2 1/2 days, only to discover he ate it all in about 12 hours. He spent the next 36 hours curled up around his protruding belly trying to sleep it off. I think this would be the feline equivalent of a massive hangover. I am also back to working on some art cards. I signed up for a few swaps so now I'm trying to get them in the mail before the cutoff. Fun! At least I am feeling better for the week ahead.

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