Feeling revitalized!

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A week has passed since I returned from the Spring Fling and it already feels like another world away.

I enjoyed myself thoroughly and amassed a small pile of notes, handouts and photos that I am now starting to go through, well not the photos just yet. I left my camera behind by mistake so I am patiently waiting for it to arrive in the mail. You see, sleep at this kind of event is minimal at best so some things had to wait until the brain is less fuzzy in order to really sink in! But with rest I can now go through and start to apply these tips and ideas to my own practice.

Practice is exactly what I need! I have been both humbled and inspired by the artists at this event. So I will work in my sketchbook, and on whatever bare skin I can. I have ideas for cards, gift boxes, candles and other paraphernalia. I can copy what I see well enough but I now have hopes of developing a style of body art I can confidently call my own. I know that I can do better with this medium and that is what I aim to do.

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