Random thoughts from lyrics

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Some friends and I were recently in Chapters the other night, just browsing and passing the time until the movie was set to start. I normally do not pay much attention to the music piped in over the speakers when I am out in stores. However during one song, there was a single line that jumped out and caught my attention. I do not know the artist or the name of the song. And to be honest I have no idea what came before or what followed this little snippet:

Are you human, or are you a dancer?

At least, that is what jumped into my brain. I may have part of the lyric wrong. For now I will run with this as it is. It is an interesting question though. To me it implies a difference. As I hear it, are you fully civilized, contained & wrapped comfortably in the trappings of your society? Or do you still harbour a wild spark that steps outside to take joy in movement and expression?

Both sides are necessary to survive in my opinion, but how many of us could honestly start jumping up and dancing on the street corner or in the office? I think most people would not do this out of fear. Fear of ridicule, fear of condemnation, fear of tripping on our own feet and falling, fear of the people around us thinking we are "weird" & "immature" in the most negative sense of the word. But like it or not our bodies are meant to move, that's why we have this amazing system of muscle, nerves and bone (to be overly simplistic).

We dance at weddings, sometimes. We jump up and down at sporting events and concerts, occasionally. Some of us even go out to a night club and dance, once in a while. Others take part in various dance classes and groups. Some of us have started moving to the music while in the house, only to get the "just what are you doing?" look from family or partners.

For myself it has been too long since I have had a good night of dancing. When I have gotten out and let loose to move on the dance floor I have always felt lighter afterwards. Not just physically nimble, but mentally lighter as well because for a time I have dropped my cares to just enjoy.

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