Some technical difficulties...

07:09 Edit This 0 Comments »
My internet connection has been downright sluggish lately, and this has made the posting of pictures from the faire a challenge. This has made a number of thaings a challenge for that matter. But hopefully I will have some up by the end of the week.

And it looks like there is another high school reunion happening this coming weekend. My work schedual does conflict a bit but I think I will still be able to go. It will be interesting to see who all shows up - and whether or not I actually know them. The school I went to was not exactly small and this is not restricted to the graduating class.

Some items on my to-do list are done and crossed off so I am feeling better about things overall. I have also picked up a trial pass for a local gym and I know some physical activity will help immensly. Of course, it is hard to actually sign up for something like this when I know darn well that there will be a big price break in January for new sign ups. They are always hoping to catch everyone on their resolutions. But there are a few gyms in the area so I will try them out and see which one works best.

In the meantime lets see if I can actually post this...

Apparantly not from home...

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