Make Your Day a "________" Day!

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You can insert the name of whatever major cold and flu fighting drugs you prefer. The title is from a radio ad I have heard somewhat regularily but the actual name of the drug escapes me right now.

I am home sick today. It is my firm belief that most of those drugs available simply mask symptoms as opposed to actually fighting the bug in your system so for the most part I avoid them if I can. This is for two reasons: a) I build up a tolerance to the drug in no time leaving it less effective and b) I really hate the side effects like dry mouth and a mental fog. A good dose of rest, liquids and vitamin C work better for me in the long run. I will be back to work tomorrow, feeling much better (and working more effectively).

If it is just a case of the sniffles so be it. I'll still go into work. But sometimes it is worse than that, as my boss pointed out "when you get sick - you REALLY get sick!"

Back to the commercial...

In the ad a womans voice lists all the things she does not do when she is sick.
I don't mope.
I don't wear fuzzy slippers.
I don't ask people to get the remote for me.
But I do take _________ !

Essentially the ad is saying take this drug and you can still go about your high speed life. If you choose not to do this you are a wimp and we all look down on you.

Go for it Superwoman / Superman! I just have one thing to say...

I do believe that masking the symptoms so you can run down your body when you are legitimately sick and increasing the chance of passing it on to your co-workers is a very stupid thing to do.

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