A little more about me...

21:08 Edit This 0 Comments »
Still working on the "About me" part of things, I wrote the small bit to go on the side and I felt there were a few things that could be elaborated on.

Well, I am one of those odd people that honestly enjoys a lot of different things. I am as happy in an art gallery as I am on a forest trail. And there have been days where getting lost was the best thing to happen to me so I really don't mind if I'm off the beaten track. I think we all desperately need adventure on a quasi regular basis to shake things up and keep us grounded. I believe that real growth comes from confronting that which terrifies, excites, infuriates and exhausts you. These experiences can come from without (jumping out of a perfectly good airplane when you are afraid of heights) and within (choosing to break a negative cycle of thought or behavior). And I firmly believe that trying new things for the sake of breaking worn habits is a great way to expand your horizons. They may not work, you may not enjoy them, but the important thing is that for that span of time you tried to see something from a different angle.

Yes I am a woman and yes I happen to love my curves - even when in slight excess! I believe that regular excersise is a must throughout life, not because I am a slave to the BMI, instead I honestly see and feel the benefits. I can look back over times 'with' and 'without' and honestly say that 'with' regular excersize I am happier, healthier, need less sleep, have more energy and enthusiasm, and my sex life rocks! Those are the types of reasons that really matter in life. I read an entry written by JK Rowling in which she was recounting an experience where she was congratulated for loosing weight. Never mind the fact that she recently had a beautiful healthy baby, never mind a new book had been published. Her dress size seemed the most important thing to this other person. That, to me, is a sad state of affairs and the honest truth is that we have all experienced it in one degree or another. I will never be the "perfect" weight espoused in magazines and movies and frankly I don't give a damn. I would rather have a strong body anyday.

I don't want to judge you by race, language, colour, sex, income, parentage, job title, employment status or how many children you have. I will judge you based on how you interact with and treat other people from family to friends to strangers. Having said that, experience has taught me that certain types of men seem to equate me answering a question (ie. do you know what time it is?) with being one step away from accepting a marriage proposal. So I try to avoid being alone at a bus stop with those types of men. No offence guys, I just don't feel that way!

I think that is it for now. Other ideas are brewing in the back of my mind but I will save those for another entry. Good night!

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