An Introduction of Sorts?

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I have toyed with the idea of a blog for some time now. I've had various sites before for sharing photos and I even had set up something in MySpace, at least, it was there until I finally got fed up with the constant freezing and crashing. I have numerous ways to dribble away my spare time without choosing something destined to constantly agravate. So now I shall work at it from this angle and see if it pleases me in the end.

This blog, my small Inn at a set of crossroads, shall be a place where I share images and thoughts about the world around me and occasionally the world within. Sometimes I will post a poem or quote that completely resonates with me. Sometimes I will post one of my own compositions. And sometimes I may actually have something relevant to you, dear Reader. Only time will tell. And yes, as the title implies (and the welcome message) feel free to comment or share. We all have had our share of adventures, and we all have stories to tell. This is an Inn (of sorts) as opposed to strictly a journal.


Katherine said...

Good grief, girl! You don't do things by halves, do you? I don't even have my pictures up yet! :) Great start though!

Susan said...

If an appropriate picture comes to mind as I am writing something I'll usually hunt it down. :) Thank you!