Back from the faire...

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Yes, this was our third year attending the BC Renfest. It was a weekend of pirates, fairies and good natured revelry. 'Tis sad to say but since I was battling a nasty cold all weekend, I simply was not as into things as I normally am. Still I enjoyed myself and shared some laughs and songs with the regulars of the faire.
This year was also a little different in that I set up a small table in my friend's booth to sell henna. This was something of a last minute decision and scramble to get ready but I feel that things went well and I was pleasantly surprised by the patrons. I was expecting most requests to be of the smaller variety but I had a healthy number of people choose the larger patterns as well. The end result was that I made enough to cover my shopping so I came home with close to the same amount of money as when I left. I do not have any pictures of my table set up, nor do I have many pictures of the designs that I did. However my friend and I are quite well decorated - for demonstration purposes of course! ;)
Would I do this again? Yes, as long as it remains fun and enjoyable for us all.

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