Almost there...

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My boyfriend and I are heading off to France for two weeks to visit a very good friend of mine. My bags are packed, and re-packed and sitting waiting to go. Everything has been checked off my list of what to take, what to do before leaving etc. There are just a couple things left to do in the morning (like wash the breakfast dishes, leave notes for the neighbors to feed the cat) and then we cab it to the airport. The plane takes off tomorrow afternoon and oddly enough it doesn't quite feel real yet. I was more excited earlier in the week, now I'm just ready to go. Or maybe I'm just ready to settle in for a long nap on the plane after all the fussing and the long hours. Whatever the case - I am ready for a holiday!

and yes, for those of you who may be wondering - Jinx, the wandering dragon will be flying with us!

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