Don't you just love dealing with institutions?

21:16 Edit This 0 Comments »
I'm just venting at the moment. Let's see, I told these guys that they made an error three months ago. They denied making the error, it was in my favor but whatever. Still, I knew there would be a day of reckoning so I made sure I was prepared for it.
Sure enough last week I get the call from the bank saying there was an error (I told yuo so!). So we worked out the best way to resolve the issue and - guess what? Instead of going with option A,
they chose to do options A AND B!
Now I'm short $500 and I'm not impressed. >:( I've left a long distance phone message for the lady I have been dealing with on the other end of the country and tomorrow this farce gets to be re-opened and dealt with again.

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