The BC Renfest

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My girlfriend and I made our yearly trip out to BC for the Renaissance Faire again. The weather was excellent and other than a few hiccups (flat tire, some unexpected work in setting up etc) the trip went quite well. We were not sure what to expect given that it was at a new location (Thunderbird Show Park) but overall I think the crowd turnout was decent. From a vendor perspective we both did exceptionally well, and I heard some other vendors comment the same.

We had new jousters present to show off their skill as well as some new characters to entertain us. We were so busy we did not get to see all the scenes so I am a bit fuzzy on the storyline. But suffice to say the King James and Queen Margaret once again had to land in Stellars Grove and sort out a few things - not the least of which was being attacked by Spanish pirates while sailing aboard the Jade Dragon.

To be a Knight or a Dame

20:46 Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
It seems the sleepy town of Stellers Grove will have pressence of royalty to liven things up. King James of Scotland and Queen Margaret are making a brief stay and durring that time any who wish may present themselves to the King and Queen to be made a Knight or a Dame. Of course, you must make a declaration of the good deeds you have done to be worthy of this honour. These declarations ranged from "I promise to be nice to my cat." to "I fought the HST" (this caused a huge cheer) to "I made breakfast this morning" (the King was rather dubious about that one).

You meet all sorts of characters at the faire...

20:39 Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
Summer the Fairy

LARP Warrior

Singing... or Plotting...?

20:35 Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
While this shot was taken during the pub sing, it is easy to imagine the pirates - err sorry - the Privateers to be plotting some mischief...

The crowd at the faire

20:33 Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
I always enjoy seeing the assortment of costumes in the crowd.