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Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. I love dressing up, I love checking out the other costumes and handing out candy. Not that long ago I picked up a book that listed various obscure Halloween traditions and superstitions from centuries past. Did you know you can attract unicorns by burying fresh apples under an apple tree on Halloween night? Like I said, there are some obscure ones.
In the meantime it seems I will not be able to pick up my developed pictures until Friday. Fate has conspired against my desire for instant gratification - and to have something to show people - but oh well. At least I can sit back and enjoy the anticipation.
Today marks the start of my fall detox, a little late but I was not about to miss out on all that lovely french food! 12 days of home cooked, non-processed food sounds pretty good to me at this point.
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We arrived back in Calgary last night after a crazy two weeks in the south of France. Overall the trip was really good although there is so much more that I would love to go back and see. I'm going to get my pictures developed today (yes I still use film) and I'll be posting some chapters from our various adventures in the comming week. Meanwhile I have more or less unpacked and I'm taking it easy today before diving back into work tomorrow.
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My boyfriend and I are heading off to France for two weeks to visit a very good friend of mine. My bags are packed, and re-packed and sitting waiting to go. Everything has been checked off my list of what to take, what to do before leaving etc. There are just a couple things left to do in the morning (like wash the breakfast dishes, leave notes for the neighbors to feed the cat) and then we cab it to the airport. The plane takes off tomorrow afternoon and oddly enough it doesn't quite feel real yet. I was more excited earlier in the week, now I'm just ready to go. Or maybe I'm just ready to settle in for a long nap on the plane after all the fussing and the long hours. Whatever the case - I am ready for a holiday!
and yes, for those of you who may be wondering - Jinx, the wandering dragon will be flying with us!
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Well the upstairs invader has been caught, but to be sure the traps are staying out just in case there are more. Aparantly this was a either a big fat mouse or a mouse ready to have little mice, we'll never know for sure but at least for now it looks like the problem is solved.
We have finally booked our flight tickets for holidays next week - just slightly cutting it close I know. The boyfriend has learned an important lesson in booking travel arrangements, the more you wait the harder it is to get a good price as the planes fill up! As it is we got lucky and saved ourselves about $400 each on the tickets so I'm breathing a sigh of relief.
So now I can relax a bit - but only a little bit, there is the packing and the itinerary left to do.