Harry Potter
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I've been fully swept up in the Potter mania and I've enjoyed every last bit of it. Friday night some friends and I ventured out to the local bookstores for the festivities. These consisted primarily of games and crafts for the kids, which is as it should be. Afterwards I went down town for the street festival. I have to say that I do not recall ever finding that many people crammed into Stephen Ave - not even durring the olympics! While it was a valiant attempt to turn this section of street into Diagon Alley, I'm thinking the organisers under estimated the sheer volumn of fans.
Don't get me wrong - I love street festivals! I love the energy and the atmosphere, especially at night when everything is transformed. On a more practical note the heat of the day is lessened considerably making things much easier for everybody. There were acrobats, fortune tellers and buskers. There were crafts for the kids and there was even a rescue society that brought at least one snowy owl for people to look at and learn about.
My favorite past time in things like this is watching for the costumes. People go to enourmous lengths to create costumes of favorite characters. Some of the better ones included Mad Eye Moody, Faulkes (the phoenix), Lupin, Moaning Myrtle, Professor Sprout, a few house elves and Hagrid (wild bushy hair and all). There were of course numerous Hogwarts students and oddly enough a Jedi Knight. Go figure.
Just over 12 hours ago my preordered copy of the Deathly Hallows finally arrived at my work. The timing was perfect as we technically were about to close for the day when the post van drove up. But by that point I was prepared to sit on the front lawn for the hours required if need be. The mailman in question seemed to find the whole thing rather ammusing if slightly odd. And after seeing to some much needed laundry, yardwork and grocery shopping I finally curled up with my book and read it from start to finish. I will read it again of course in the next few days, the first read is always fast and so some details get missed. The second and third read are more enjoyable as further details and connections are gleaned.
But now, I think it's time for some sleep. It's been a while since I have been up this late and I suspect tomorrow may feel a bit worse for wear. But to be honest - it will all have been worth it.
Don't get me wrong - I love street festivals! I love the energy and the atmosphere, especially at night when everything is transformed. On a more practical note the heat of the day is lessened considerably making things much easier for everybody. There were acrobats, fortune tellers and buskers. There were crafts for the kids and there was even a rescue society that brought at least one snowy owl for people to look at and learn about.
My favorite past time in things like this is watching for the costumes. People go to enourmous lengths to create costumes of favorite characters. Some of the better ones included Mad Eye Moody, Faulkes (the phoenix), Lupin, Moaning Myrtle, Professor Sprout, a few house elves and Hagrid (wild bushy hair and all). There were of course numerous Hogwarts students and oddly enough a Jedi Knight. Go figure.
Just over 12 hours ago my preordered copy of the Deathly Hallows finally arrived at my work. The timing was perfect as we technically were about to close for the day when the post van drove up. But by that point I was prepared to sit on the front lawn for the hours required if need be. The mailman in question seemed to find the whole thing rather ammusing if slightly odd. And after seeing to some much needed laundry, yardwork and grocery shopping I finally curled up with my book and read it from start to finish. I will read it again of course in the next few days, the first read is always fast and so some details get missed. The second and third read are more enjoyable as further details and connections are gleaned.
But now, I think it's time for some sleep. It's been a while since I have been up this late and I suspect tomorrow may feel a bit worse for wear. But to be honest - it will all have been worth it.